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A Home for Brandon

 Since you are gone so much, I wanted to give you a place to come, that you can call home!        

(But in case you were wondering, this is what it is like at my house.)

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One day my husband came in from work and informed me that he wanted to get his CDLs.  I said "Okay, if that's what you want to do, then I'm behind you 100%"

My father is a career "Army Man", so I thought I had some idea what it would be like being a truck driver's wife.   It's not really different... the differences are being the child, and being the wife.  As an Army Brat, I knew that my Father wasn't around much.  But never really appreciated what all my mother was accomplishing on her own...

I remember my father's name signed to every Christmas and Birthday present I opened and my sisters and I always had a bike to ride.  Although  my father was doing two tours of duty in Vietnam, my mom always kept things going and always made sure we felt like my dad had a part in it.  Until now... I never appreciated that, and how hard it is to be both Mom and Dad.  And the selflessness that accompanies sharing your praise with someone whose not even there to appreciate it.  Needless to say, when you are the one responsible for thawing out and replacing the frozen pipes, fixing broken bicycle chains and dishing out discipline, it all takes on a new perspective!

My husband and I both knew that it would not only be hard on us, but on our three children, as well.  After all, when he started driving, we had an eight month old , a three year old and a six year old. Now nine, four and six.
We all have made some very heavy sacrifices. I am proud of all of us for taking on all the things we never dreamed we could do.  I haven't told husband, though, how very proud that we all are of him, and that we love him, and that every night we pray that he is safe--where ever he might be.

Dear Lord,
Tonight I pray; that you will watch over him,
And help to keep him safe,
And help him to find his way.
kerri '99

Brandon has been driving for three years now.  In that time I have learned some very useful trades that I practice regularly.  I am proudly proficient in Baseball and can now name several car parts.  In the past few years I've gotten on a first name basis with the guys at May Tag and Whirlpool... I have discovered that Duck Tape will fix just about anything! (Or, it will hold it until Brandon comes home.) I keep plenty on hand.  Oh, and most importantly, that winterizing is much more fun than being awakened by bursting pipes at 4 AM.

The most important thing that I have learned....??  Driving in the passenger side of a big truck gives you a whole new lease on life. I didn't know how many people didn't know how to dive cars until I took my first trip in a Big Truck.   
The No Zone

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Last revised: May 5, 2001